Monday, January 7, 2013

Walking Dead - Mid Season 3 Review

I know it's a bit late but I just started this Blog and need to say what we're interested in:
So Walking Dead...Awesome TV of a kind.

But how was Season 3? Best? Good? Worse? Let's find out
Now I loved the premier of the Show...absolutely awesome....but how in the hell did it take them 7 months to find a Prison right next to them? Stupid, huh? Yeah but it was found eventually and then the fun began. Inmates trying to kill Rick and he responded beautifully and in an awesome way...Daryl turned into Fan Favourite so soon, the Return of Daryl's Brother, Merle. And so much other fun the Awesome Governor.

You know, overall this Season took it to a whole new dark much more violent and more real. It was truly entertaining...and the death of Rick's Wife, Lori was certainly a shock...a huge Shock...and that phone call? Man o man...I'm still thinking whether it was real or just Hallucinations. The plot had major twists and beautiful scenes and fights. And yet it's impossible to wait for the next episode. Really Hard.
Come here you dumb ass Walkers...I dare ya!

But it wasn't without flaws either. Even though I love this season the fact that T-Dog was just developing something interesting as a single Character (which he never was) and died later that same episode was a total bum. Really disappointed there...or some episodes that generally were bad but the next one they developed into something great....well you could've made them just as interesting. Couldn't you?

It seemed like the First Season was a Test. The Second a base to establish all characters and deaths and the third? The real season. No more test no more's time to go.

Anyway, the plot was almost Flawless and with the introduction of our Favourite Hammer Guy it's one step closer and the awesome acting and beautiful editing this Season made for a fantastic Season...clearly the best, YET! Let's hope the rest of the Season is just as good.
I give it 9/10

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