Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sherlock or Sherlock?

"You think you're safe Robert? YOU ARE NOT!"
By now I'm sure everyone knows about the Sherlock Holmes played by Robert Downey Jr. and the one by Benedict Cumberbatch (I don't mention the stupid Elementary) and I'm sure it has crossed the minds of many of you that which one is better? Well don't look further...the answer is here.

So, at first I love RDJ's Sherlock he was awesome even though I felt there was no accent he was truly fascinating as a new and awesome Sherlock. He was calm, wise, kinda crazy and truly fun to watch. But in the sequel...the whole building came down. He wasn't the same Sherlock he was an Action Hero. No more deduction and when there was, it didn't feel the same. He lost it. He truly wan magnificent. But that was the past.
Now watch out here comes Benedict Cumberbatch (BC) that clearly rules the character...he is unique he is awesome he IS a detective and truly magnificent. He acts the role in an awesome way that no one ever can. He has become his own Sherlock and through the Second Season....he just makes us love him more. BTW, his appearance and other stuff apart....his Voice....Dat Voice. Damn, no wonder he's getting such awesome roles as villains.
Round 1: Benedict - Sherlock

But let's look at their companions. John Watson. Now Jude Law is a very good John Watson...close to the character and most importantly...useful. His Medical Expertise come in handy and he has become a good detective himself and quite a fun character which in the sequel he remained one and improved himself.
But Martin Freeman's version, God he is totally useless. Not intelligent not medical expert and only....ONLY as a sidekick. But that punishment comes mainly of Sherlock himself who always ridicules him and doesn't allow him to be a good character that he is...he doesn't even allow him to be a DOCTOR. But he is a good shooter I grant you that. Better than Jude Law. But....he loses this round
Round 2: Jude Law - Sherlock Holmes

Now, the main Villain. Proffesor James Moriarty. The Moriarty seen in the first Sherlock movie was fascinating and awesome....specially the voice but the sequel? He looked nothing like the first one...which was threatening and fearsome. And maybe intelligent to challenge Holmes to actually fake his death, but couldn't he himself have survived? Maybe...but not that challenging.
Now the Sherlock version. I gotta say I loved him. He plays with you all along he makes you fear who he is and then he appears...a Crazy Guy who is totally loveable because he is played awesome. He challenges Sherlock in every way possible. Especially the end where he supposedly kills himself and makes Sherlock fake his death in a manner we cannot know. He was magnificent...he was THE villain.
They both challenged Sherlock in a game of chess....Life and Death....but eventually Andrew Scott's version was more awesome.
Round 3: Andrew Scott - Sherlock

Now....Supporting Characters. In both we see Irene Adler but seriously I don't like Sherlock's Adler. She literally is a SLUT. But the Sherlock Holmes version is beautiful and just as the Books...truly enticing.
Mycroft Holmes in the Sequel to the movie is not interesting at all. He has nothing so he can't go head to head with the Awesome Sherlock version who makes us love him.
The great point of Sherlock is that it focuses on the Supporting Characters just as it does on Sherlock himself. That's what made this great.
Round 4: Sherlock

Now, the cases. The first Sherlock movie had an awesome case and a total head scratcher but the sequel? Was there even a case? But the Sherlock had awesome cases truly unique and awesome a complete head burster. I loved every single one of them. And most did Sherlock survive?
Round 5: Sherlock

So overall winner is.......SHERLOCK!!!!! The TV Series. Can't wait for season 3. Love this character.
So there you have it....Benedict and Co. won and seems the best Sherlock is his version. He is magnificent.

+Sherlock +Sherlock Holmes

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