Friday, January 11, 2013

Christopher Nolan Rewriting ‘Interstellar’ to Incorporate his Original Idea

No, really? So it's official. Nolan's new movie is Interstellar. But what is Interstellar?
"Screw you Oscars. I'm gonna make you give me all prize there is with INTERSTELLAR!"

A sci-fi movie inspired by the theories of Caltech Astrophysicist Kip Thorn which includes Wormholes (Time Travel) and now Chris Nolan's own idea which may mean awesome character. Whatever this movie is it's sure to be a hit.

And interestingly enough Time Travel and Wormholes are gonna blow your mind more than even Inception. Why? Because there could be Alternate Dimensions or Alternate Realities. Even more confusing that Looper. This movie clearly is Oscar material poised to F*** our minds and yet we love it.
Anyway some explanation by

We start with a term that most sci-fi fans are at least vaguely familiar with, and Thorne (along with "Contact" author Carl Sagan) is the reason. Wormholes, also known as Einstein-Rosen Bridges, are theoretical shortcuts through space. By entering a wormhole, you could in theory cover enormous distances with minimal effort. The most recent cinematic Einstein-Rosen Bridge allowed Thor to travel from Asgard in a matter of seconds.

In terms of what a wormhole might mean for "Interstellar," the secret could lie in the title. "Interstellar" literally means "located, taking place or traveling among the stars." If our heroes are going to travel among stars, a wormhole may be the only realistic mode of transportation, unless it's a really, really long movie. Nolan would have to employ some serious fiction for this science, since wormholes are still hypothetical at this point and certainly not under our control.

Time Travel
So wormholes are cool, but where does Thorne come in? The concept that Thorne explored when it comes to wormholes incorporated elements of Einstein's theory of relativity and the so-called "twins paradox," where a man travels the universe at the speed of light for a short period time and returns to Earth to find thousands of years have passed. As Thorne explains in his fantastic article "Is time travel allowed?," if that man takes one end of a wormhole with him in his ship, he can create a time machine.

Let's say two brothers — Christian Bale and Joseph Gordon-Levitt for our purposes — both have wormholes that are connected to each other. When you enter the wormhole in Gordon-Levitt's house and walk a short distance, you end up in Bale's spaceship, which actually sits many miles away. After Bale takes his spaceship and his wormhole on that same trip around the universe and returns home, the wormholes have aged in the same manner that their owners have in the previous example, and you have yourself a time machine. Moving from Bale's to Gordon-Levitt's wormhole pushes you forward in time, while going in the opposite direction takes you backward.
With this idea, Nolan can essentially do anything. Just as the mechanics of entering someone's dream in "Inception" opened up creative doors, controlling interspace time travel is a subject waiting for the Nolan treatment. Considering the director's love for family issues, don't be surprised if the twins paradox finds some kind of literal Nolanian interpretation. You can hear the "Inception" horns already, can't you?

Alternate Dimensions
Here's where things get really interesting: The physicists who have studied wormhole time travel and the theory in general disagree on whether a time paradox is possible — you know, the kind Doc Brown in "Back to the Future" kept raving about. What happens if you go back in time and accidentally prevent your own birth? It's this question that divides theoretical physicists and sci-fi movies.
Thorne, like Stephen Hawking, doesn't believe time travel is possible under the laws of physics, but there are some who have found reasoning to believe that any tampering with chronology wouldn't cause time to collapse in on itself, but rather cause the creation of an infinite number of alternate timelines, where whatever happened in your past doesn't matter and anything is changeable. Can you see where this is going?BRAAAAHM
Even at an elementary level of explaining Thorne's theories, the concepts seem rife for a sci-fi take from Christopher Nolan, especially when you start to consider what he did with dreams and "Inception." We'll have to wait and see what (if anything) becomes of "Interstellar," but until then, if you're looking for more of Thorne's work, his most famous book "Black Holes and Time Warps" is a great place to start.

It was said previously that he might do it but when he actually decides to input his own ideas means he likes it and is ready to go. However it's pretty clear that he will make an awesome script and maybe...hmm...this is just theory but I think the reason he decided to direct was....

Jonathan Nolan (JN): "Hey bro...have you read my script? It's awesome. Wanna direct it?"
Chris Nolan (CN): "Hmmm, yea I'll think about it. (NOT)"
JN: "Hey bro your movie got Totally Rejected for even a shit."
CN: " What??? Are you kidding me? That's it...time to go for a comeback"
A little later....
CN: "Hey....where's that AWESOME script of yours?"
JN: "Why?"
CN: "Time to destroy the academy with my ideas. This movie is gonna be Interstellar!!!!"
JN: "Ok"

So that is what happened basically. But be sure it will be an awesome movie. And it seems the movie is perfect for him because of his visions and style. But a serious question....who's gonna be the Cinematographer? Wally Pfister is gone. But I'm sure he will be awesome as always. No doubt there....let's hope Interstellar will be IMAX 3D at least.
+Christopher Nolan +The Dark Knight Realm +The Dark Knight Rises +The dark knight +Warner Bros. Movie World

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